Shouting matches between an irate couple is the idea most people have about divorce. However, divorce is not a one-size-fits-all, and it does not have to have strife. Each couple has unique aspects of their marriage and how they relate. Therefore, you should research all the available divorce alternatives before deciding which way to do it. Consider these four alternatives before filing a petition.
The Uncontested Dissolution
An uncontested divorce is the best choice if you and your partner still have a functional relationship and you can sit down and communicate. An uncontested divorce eases a lot of the burden of court battles. You use collaborative law to decide and agree on the terms of your divorce. The option gives you control, privacy, and a lot of clarity. The advantage of the alternative is that you are still on friendly terms with your spouse after the settlement, which can be better for your children. You can speak to a divorce lawyer about the process and understand how to initiate it.
The At-Fault Divorce
If you feel that your partner has exploited or abused you throughout the marriage, you can opt for an at-fault divorce. In this option, you will be seeking to prove to the court that your partner wronged you to get the divorce. Some of the common grounds or wrongs that you can base your petition on include infidelity, physical and emotional abuse, financial abuse, and other forms of neglect. In most states, you do not have to prove your spouse has done a particular wrong, but this is still an option in some.
The Contested Divorce
In the contested divorce, you and your spouse have disagreements about certain aspects of the separation and need the help of lawyers to resolve them. For example, you might fail to reach an amicable agreement on how you will share the property acquired together, child support, or spousal support. The process takes time and can be very contentious.
The No-Fault Divorce
The fourth option is the no-fault divorce. It allows you to file for divorce whether your partner agrees to it or not. The process is private and does not involve disclosing personal details in court.
These are just a few options you can discuss with your lawyer before starting the proceedings. They will guide you through the alternative you choose. They will also show you how to prepare the needed documents and requirements for easy and amicable marriage dissolution.