5 Things To Do After You're Injured At An Amusement Park

An injury can turn your fun day at the amusement park into a nightmare. Whether you fell from a ride, were struck by a piece of metal that detached from a roller coaster, slipped and fell at the concessions stand or otherwise injured yourself at an amusement park, there are specific things you need to do afterward. Here are five steps to follow:

Speak to Management

You may be dazed, in pain, and simply want to go home, but this is a mistake. In order to ensure everything is documented properly and follows the correct course of action, you must report your injury to amusement park management immediately. If you are too injured to do so, have a friend or bystander ask for management. Be sure to get a business card with specific contact information from the manager you speak to. Explain what happened and that you have been injured.

Get Medical Attention

Sometimes injuries don't seem as serious as they actually are until some time has passed. For example, you may be in shock and believe that your wrist is merely sprained when it is actually broken. You may have a headache and feel a bit nauseated but not realize you are developing a concussion. It's crucial to seek medical attention immediately so that a professional can identify the extent of your injuries, begin appropriate treatment, provide you with pain management, and bring you to the emergency room if necessary.

If the amusement park management does not offer to call an ambulance, you can ask that they do so or call one yourself. Be sure to get copies of any documentation at the hospital, including x-rays, prescriptions, and receipts.

Take Photos

In the chaotic aftermath of an amusement park injury, it's easy to forget to take photos, but photos can play a pivotal role in any insurance claims or liability lawsuits you pursue later. If you have a friend with you, it may be ideal to have them take photos while you are speaking to the manager or paramedics. Things that are important to have photo evidence of include your injuries and the site of the injury, including the object, spill, or malfunctioning ride that led to your injury.

Speak to Witnesses

It's in the amusement park's insurance company's and lawyers' best interests to minimize the blame placed on the amusement park. For this reason, witnesses who saw the accident occur are very valuable. They may have seen the ride malfunction, the lack of staff available to clean up a spill, or a negligent ride attendant who didn't do their job correctly.

It's a good idea to get the names and contact information of any witnesses so you can speak to them later at length under more calm circumstances. You may want to record your conversation (with their permission) so you don't miss or forget any important details.  

Consult with a Personal Injury Attorney

As long as you were at the park lawfully (not trespassing after hours or in an off-limits area of the amusement park), the amusement park has a legal duty to keep you and other visitors safe. You may be entitled to damages under something known as premises liability, which essentially involves the amusement park doing everything they can to prevent harm and injury for their visitors. It's a good idea to consult with a personal injury attorney to see if you are entitled to a settlement beyond whatever is offered by the park's insurance company.

By following these five tips after an amusement park injury, you can help protect yourself legally and make the best of a bad situation.
