Personal Injury Cases: 4 Financial Impacts For Bull Riders

Being involved in a personal injury can have an impact on all aspects of your life. If you're a bull rider, then you understand how important it is to be in top shape before climbing on top of a raging animal. By being involved in a personal injury, not only are you losing out on a chance to ride bulls, but there are many financial impacts that go along with it. If a company or personal party is responsible for your injuries, then you can seek a settlement by hiring the services of a personal injury lawyer. As the settlement case develops, there are four financial factors that you can supply evidence for. Each one of these impacts can help increase your compensation and guide you to a proper return to bull riding and the world of rodeos.

Tournament Winnings

One of the biggest financial impacts that can occur due to a personal injury is your tournament winnings. When healing through your injury, you will likely miss a number of events and special shows that you could have performed at. You may have attended bull riding events every weekend during your career. As a settlement case builds, it's important to supply a lawyer with a history of the events you've attended and your total amount of tournament winnings. This can help build up evidence for your case and calculate a weekly average of your money earned. As the average is calculated, you can determine how many weeks you will be away from the sport and the amount of potential money that you are losing.


When dealing with a personal injury case, any type of income that you lose out on should be included in the settlement. As a bull rider, you may have gotten paid from various types of sponsors. These sponsors may have contributed money to you in a number of different ways. For example, sponsors may have supplied gear or bull riding accessories like cowboy hats. As you suffer through an injury, you may lose out on these sponsorship deals and the financial benefits that come along with them. Sponsors may have paid you appearance fees to visit stores or special booths at various trade shows. As you move forward with a settlement case, all of this extra income should be applied to the compensation that you seek. Sponsorship agreements and any type of pay stub should be given to a lawyer to help build the case.

Physical Therapy

The loss of muscle and strength can easily occur as you are forced to rest and heal through an injury. Before returning to the world of bull riding, you may have to go through rigorous physical therapy to help rebuild arm and leg strength. The costs for these physical therapy sessions may come directly out of your pocket if health insurance does not cover them. Instead of having to pay for these costs, you seek reimbursement through your settlement case. Along with therapy sessions that you've already attended, you can also seek compensation for future sessions that may be needed.

Adaptive Equipment

As you prepare for a return to the world of rodeo, you may need some extra equipment that wasn't necessary before. This type of adaptive equipment can help protect your injured areas and ease you into a proper return. The costs for this equipment can be included in a settlement case. For example, if you injured your back, you may need to wear a lower back brace for extra support while riding a bull. Receipts for this equipment can be submitted directly to a lawyer and used as evidence during your settlement case.

Preparing all of the evidence needed for these financial impacts can help speed your case along. Contact an attorney to set up a meeting and get more information. You can click here to investigate whether a lawyer from HRE & M is right for you.
