The law enforcers have a right to stop motorists suspected of driving while impaired. But while the police can stop the suspect, they can only arrest them after ascertaining that they used prohibited amounts of alcohol or illegal drugs. That involves conducting several tests to know whether the suspect's drug content is above the recommended limit.
Unfortunately, not only prohibited drugs cause intoxication. Sometimes, lawful substances might make you appear intoxicated, getting you into trouble with the police. In such an instance, engaging an OVI attorney from a reputable law firm is crucial. This article looks at common medications that can intoxicate you, impairing your driving ability.
Sleeping Pills
Usually, doctors advise drivers to have enough sleep after taking sleeping pills to avert the side effects that could lead to impaired driving. Unfortunately, some sleeping pills may cause drowsiness and confusion even if you sleep for the recommended hours. If you demonstrate these signs, the police can assume that you had taken illegal intoxicants and arrest you for OVI. When this happens, you need to consult a lawyer right away. They will challenge your arrest through concrete evidence. That includes a doctor's prescription indicating the sleeping medication you had taken.
Excessive Caffeine
Caffeine offers a variety of health benefits and may even increase alertness and responsiveness when driving. So you can decide to take a few cups of this beverage if you plan to drive a long distance. However, excessive consumption of coffee can cause delays in reaction time, which can make you cause a collision. Besides, too much coffee is intoxicating, more so if consumed along with other substances, such as alcohol. In that case, a sobriety test might indicate a high level of intoxication. Hiring an OVI attorney is crucial at this point. Depending on the situation, they advise you to accept or refuse the charges to prevent severe consequences.
Energy Drinks
Energy drinks offer favorable refreshments and reenergize the body when you feel exhausted after driving continuously for several hours. However, some of them can lead to lapses in concentration. In addition, you can suffer a delay in reaction time several minutes after taking the drink. These side effects might affect your driving, and the police might confuse your behaviors with those of an intoxicated driver. As a result, they might apprehend you for OVI. Call a lawyer to defend you when this happens.
The three lawful substances discussed above can sometimes cause impairment, and the police can confuse it for having taken illegal drugs. This can lead to an unwarranted arrest. So hire an OVI attorney from a reputable law office immediately after the arrest to avoid getting penalized unlawfully. For more information, contact a law office near you.